For Women

Aging, childbirth, massive weight loss, or genital injury can lead to aesthetic or functional issues in the vulvovaginal area, including laxity of the vaginal walls, vaginal dryness or irritation, or stretched contours of the vulva. These conditions can affect both personal comfort and self-confidence.

My Story

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation is a term used for procedures that electively treat specific concerns related to the area confined by the vulva. Its primary goal is to restore or enhance the vagina’s cosmetic appearance as well as function, utilizing either surgical or non-surgical measures depending upon on each patient’s particular needs. Vaginal rejuvenation may be considered by women whose lifestyle has been hampered by changes in the internal and external vaginal tissues after childbirth or menopause. Stretched or sagging genital tissues and reduced sensation do not just pose a barrier to a satisfying sex life, they can also cause other problems, including:

  • Urinary stress incontinence
  • Vaginal dryness that leads to pain during sexual intercourse
  • Discomfort or pain during activities such as bike riding or horse riding
  • Discomfort in wearing tight clothes

Dr Tawfik can perform vaginal rejuvenation to restore or enhance the vagina’s cosmetic appearance as well as function. Be it through skillful surgery or non-invasive ThermiVa you can find a treatment option that suits your lifestyle and aesthetic goals.

Surgeries can involve vaginoplasty, in which the vaginal walls are tightened or a labiaplasty, in which the vulva or labia are contoured for a more desirable shape. In some cases, customized combination of both procedures can be performed.


Dr. Tawfik and his team also offer a non-surgical alternative for vaginal rejuvenation using ThermiVa. This therapy has been cleared by the FDA, and can tighten the labia and internal vaginal tissues using controlled radio frequency energy. 

The ThermiVa® vaginal laser treatment can help patients achieve their goals painlessly, with no downtime or side effects.

The ThermiVa® device is thin and wand-like, and patient hygiene is ensured as a single device is used for only one patient’s treatment. The entire treatment is generally divided over three office appointments spaced one month apart, and each session typically takes about 30 to 45 minutes. This treatment relies on the radio frequency waves gently heating the tissues and boosting collagen production. Patients can see or feel the difference immediately, and experience the total benefits after the completion of the entire treatment


Enlarged labia minora is often a cause of embarrassment and discomfort. This condition can affect both younger and older women. Labiaplasty, also known as a labia reduction, is a procedure that reduces the excess skin from the labia. This procedure is usually performed for not only aesthetic reasons but also for hygienic reasons. More women are seeking to have this done as part of Mommy makeover package or simply to improve the appearance of the labia folds. Young ladies that are dancers or gymnasts are also interested in labia reduction. 

Labiaplasty procedure can be safely performed to reduce the size of the labia minora by making the labia smaller, thinner, more comfortable, and very natural-looking. Doing so can help to improve both a woman’s appearance and self-esteem. There should be no change in sensitivity following surgery.

There are numerous surgical methods to reduce the size of the labia. Labiaplasty is a highly individualized procedure and is based on your anatomy and the goals you wish to achieve. The labia are contoured by using surgical techniques to create a natural, pleasing shape and contour. Sensitivity of the labia is preserved and scarring is virtually undetectable after complete healing.

Labiaplasty procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis, takes 1 hour to perform, and is done under sedation. It can be done in the office under local anaesthesia and oral sedation if desired.

Labia Correction / Labia Majora

In children and adolescents, the texture of the labia majora is firm and plump. However, with aging the skin of the labia majora can stretch significantly. In combination with the common age-related decline in fat tissue content and volume of the labia majora, this creates the look of flabby and long skin folds hanging down and potentially affecting function as well.

Fat grafting to the outer lips (labia majora) is often combined with reduction of the labia minora. As women age, volume loss in the outer lips will result in excess wrinkled skin resulting in a deflated appearance.

The fat is harvested from areas such as the abdomen, flanks, and/or inner thighs. Specialized micro fat grafting cannulas and low pressure syringes are used to minimize damage to the extracted fat cells. Prior to transfer of the fat cells, they are embedded with the patient’s own “plasma” (platelet-rich plasma). This plasma contains multiple growth factors that will stimulate revascularization, allowing more fat cells to survive and decreasing the chances of losing the transplanted fat cells.

G SPOT Amplification

The G-Spot Amplification is a procedure that augments, or enlarges, the G-Spot in women. This is a simple office procedure, which takes about 15 minutes, and results in heightened sexual arousal and an increase in vaginal orgasms.

The G-spot which is located beneath the surface of a woman’s vagina and is about the size of a dime. After an injection of a specially designed filler, under local anaesthesia, your new G-Spot has more than doubled in size making it an active part of sexual intercourse. In less than 4 hours your new G-Spot is ready to go*! 

Hymen Reconstruction

More and more women are seeking Hymenoplasty, or reconstruction of the hymen, for a variety of reasons. Hymenoplasty is actually the surgical repair of the hymen, a membrane that partially closes the opening of the vagina. In our culture and religion, an intact hymen is traditionally taken to indicate a mark of virginity.

Due to reasons other than intercourse, such as vigorous exercise or tampon insertion, the hymen becomes torn or ruptured. Under such circumstances, many women want their hymen reconstructed, which can be accomplished through a Hymenoplasty.

Dr. Tawfik and his caring, professional staff understand the discrete nature of the need for this type of surgery and, as always, all information will remain strictly confidential. We offer a sensitive, professional approach to the procedure, and during the initial consultation, there will be a female nurse present to help our patients feel more comfortable and secure.