For Men

Men who are looking to improve their appearance and confidence may be interested in the surgeries offered by Dr. Tawfik. Our experienced surgeons offer a wide range of procedures,


Males of any age — from adolescents to seniors — can experience gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts. For men suffering from gynecomastia, the problem is often more serious than an aesthetic concern. Many males with gynecomastia, especially teens, suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety and even depression due to the condition. They may avoid engaging in activities that require them to take off their shirts, including swimming or lounging on the beach.

Often, the onset of gynecomastia occurs during adolescence and may resolve on its own. However, in some cases gynecomastia can persist into adulthood, or develop with advanced age. Gynecomastia is most commonly caused by hormonal fluctuations. In addition, the ongoing use of certain medications (e.g., steroids) can stimulate hormonal changes that cause gynecomastia. Chronic use of certain drugs such as marijuana can also cause the development of gynecomastia, as can major weight fluctuations.

Dr Tawfik recognizes that gynecomastia can negatively impact individuals’ emotional wellbeing. The good news is that he offers male breast reduction surgery, or gynecomastia treatment. Male breast reduction is designed to sculpt the chest area, improving the contour of overly large male breasts. Treating gynecomastia does wonders to improve male patients’ self-esteem and confidence, as well as their overall quality of life.


Most boys enter puberty between the ages of 11 through 14. At this time, there is a huge increase in their natural production of testosterone and, to a much lesser degree, estrogen.

Gynecomastia is both a benign and cosmetic condition that has profound effects on the psychosocial development of any young teenager. 

What is adolescent Gynecomastia?

Nearly half of teenage boys, typically between the ages of 11 through 14, struggle with gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) for years with negative body-image issues and are often horrified, ashamed, and afraid of outside ridicule. Although the exact development of gynecomastia is unknown, certainly hormones and hereditary factors play a great part. 

A young teen will typically experience an increase in the natural production of testosterone along with changes in their estrogen levels during puberty. This “imbalance” of estrogen and testosterone or whether the small amount of innate breast tissue, which is naturally present in every male, is just extraordinarily sensitive to such hormonal changes.

Gynecomastia in young teens can appear and go away in as little as a few months to a year; however, in many cases the glandular tissue will continue to grow and become permanent. It has been estimated that more than one-third of the male population has some degree of gynecomastia, most of which occurred during puberty

One major advantage of fat grafting is that it is safe and simple, often not even involving a cut in the skin, thus minimising scarring and enabling the patient to return to their daily activities within a few hours to days.

The effects of Gynecomastia on adolescents

Many young teens walk “hunched” over or wear various layers of shirts to hide their gynecomastia. They also refuse to participate in sports or other social activities, specifically going to the gym, or a public beach or pool. Dr. Tawfik has had patients that decided they were better off deliberately becoming obese because it was more acceptable to be overweight than to have enlarged breasts.

These young men tend to suffer in silence and are typically afraid to even bring the issue to up their parents. Dr. Tawfik requires all patients under the age of 18 to get permission from their parents in order to have their consultation, which is a difficult first step for them. No young man should have a crushed self-esteem because of gynecomastia!

The Best Advice I Can Give To A Parent:
  • All boys will go through puberty.   Their bodies are changing and their hormones are going all over the place. If your son approaches you to discuss his body and emotions, please do not brush him off.
  • If he does not say anything to you, then you need to reach out and talk to him. Let him know that you are there for him and he can count on your support.
  • Gynecomastia will NOT go away with diet and exercise.  Telling him to watch what he eats and trying to motivate him into going to the gym will not solve the underlying issue.

Dr Tawfik’s advice is to wait it out for at least six months to a year to see if it goes away on its own. If its persistent or continues to grow, then his only option is to get the surgery.

Dr Tawfik’s Approach

Many doctors will say – “wait it out until you are 18 years old.”

This is an unacceptable answer, especially if the boy is between 11 and 14 years old and has had gynecomastia present for more than a year. There is no reason for a young teenager to suffer through their remaining teenage years in hopes of it disappearing when it will not.

The best thing to do is get the surgery. A young teenage man needs this time in their life to build their self-confidence and social skills. Gynecomastia is purely physical, glandular tissue and/or fat, but the psychological treatment itself is way more important.

Dr Tawfik wants all young teen patients to have that weight lifted off their chest.

Dr Tawfik has performed surgery on young teens to promote a healthy and emotional maturity during their teenage years. The entire procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, within Dr. Tawfik’s private, clean and comfortable clinic. The entire surgery can take 1-3 hours to perform, depending if the patient requires just an excision, VaserLipo or a combination of both procedures, and if the patient has gynecomastia on one side vs. both sides.

What to expect after young teen gynecomastia surgery?

Dr. Tawfik wants all Gynecomastia patients to have CLOSURE, for both physical and psychological reasons. Dr Tawfik will personally communicate with each teen patient and give complete instructions to help speed their recovery. All of his patients immediately change their posture and overall attitude once the gland is removed.

Patients have more self-confidence, can’t wait to wear form-fitting clothing for the first time in years, and return back to the gym in order to get a more muscular physique.


Many overweight or obese men are concerned about their breast size and seek evaluation and treatment for their gynecomastia. When treating these men, a very careful physical examination is performed.

Just like adolescent gynecomastia, adult gynecomastia is caused by an imbalance of the hormone’s testosterone and estrogen. Dr. Tawfik understands that gynecomastia can cause embarrassment for males of all ages, especially adult men that want to wear form-fitting clothing and/or want to go shirtless at the public pool or beach. Dr Tawfik is a cosmetic perfectionist that will remove, reshape and tighten unwanted fat and skin around your chest for that perfect “boomerang” shape chest that all men want.

What is adult

Adult gynecomastia is swelling of the male breast tissue and/or combination of fat in the chest region. The actual occurrence of gynecomastia reaches its peak between the ages of 50 and 80. There are numerous potential causes of adult gynecomastia. However, recent medical research reveals that gynecomastia is most commonly caused by one of the following:

  • Adolescent gynecomastia persistent : 25%
  • Drug induced : 10 – 25%
  • No detectable cause : 25%
  • Malnutrition and liver disease : 8 %
  • Primary hypogonadism (deficient testes): 8%
  • Tumors of the testes: 3%
  • Secondary hypogonadism (low sperm count): 2%
  • Hypothyroidism: 1.5%

A young teen will typically experience an increase in the natural production of testosterone along with changes in their estrogen levels during puberty. This “imbalance” of estrogen and testosterone or whether the small amount of innate breast tissue, which is naturally present in every male, is just extraordinarily sensitive to such hormonal changes.

Gynecomastia in young teens can appear and go away in as little as a few months to a year; however, in many cases the glandular tissue will continue to grow and become permanent. It has been estimated that more than one-third of the male population has some degree of gynecomastia, most of which occurred during puberty

One major advantage of fat grafting is that it is safe and simple, often not even involving a cut in the skin, thus minimising scarring and enabling the patient to return to their daily activities within a few hours to days.

The effects of Gynecomastia on adult men

Do you recall your parents or a doctor ever telling you that it will go away with diet and exercise?

But you still have it… Thousands of men over the age of 18, in great shape or overweight, are concerned about their breasts and seek evaluation and treatment of their gynecomastia. Some men are content with their weight and simply want to reduce the size of their breasts, while others want to lose weight but their breasts cause too much embarrassment, which prevent them from even entering a gym.

The best advice i can give to an adult
  • The social effects of gynecomastia have already occurred but you can still increase your self-esteem and get motivated by getting surgery. Most male gynecomastia patients that are evaluated by Dr. Tawfik, have a combination of fatty and glandular tissue. These patients will need both liposuction and the removal of the glandular tissue to provide the best contour throughout the chest area. This will remove all the excess breast tissue and result in a flat, more muscular chest.

    Dr Tawfik highly recommends that all adult patients:

    • Follow a strict diet
    • Join and routinely visit a gym

    It is far better to operate on adult men who are at their best and most comfortable weight – they are also healthier as well!

Dr Tawfik’s Approach

There is a big difference in comparing an adult with glandular tissue vs a combination of glandular tissue and fat. Gynecomastia in an overweight or obese male has breast tissue concentrated under the nipple, which extends outward into the surrounding fat. The removal of just the gland is not enough. As weight is lost, the breasts will droop due to loose skin which cannot tighten by itself due to the loss of elasticity. The nipples will frequently be too low on the chest as well.

Dr. Tawfik uses his Vaser Hi-Def PowerX LipoSculpting and years of experience to remove gynecomastia from adults that have glandular tissue and/or a combination of fat. The Hi-Def, Vaser Lipo is a sophisticated liposuction technique that uses ultrasound energy to selectively target unwanted fat deposits for smooth, extraordinary results with fast recovery and minimal downtime.

The entire procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. You will be awake during the entire procedure, fully relaxed with no pain.  The entire surgery can take 1-3 hours to perform, depending if you require just an excision, Vaser Lipo or a combination of both procedures, and if you have gynecomastia on one side (unilateral) vs. both sides (bilateral).

What to expect after gynecomastia surgery?

Dr. Tawfik has over 13 years of experience specializing in gynecomastia and other cosmetic procedures. He recognizes that male Gynecomastia can cause feelings of embarrassment and awkwardness for men, difficulties in wearing form fitting shirts for adults and a distraction from a chiseled and sculpted chest on body builders. Dr. Tawfik wants all his Gynecomastia patients to have closure.

The final results of your VaserLipo Gynecomastia procedure are permanent, the fat and gland will not return! 

Puffy Nipples

Puffy nipples are the most common forms of gynecomastia. This gland and/or adipose tissue can be located directly under the areola or can be slightly extended outside the areola, causing the areola to appear dome shaped. This form of Gynecomastia can be found in all age groups but is more common in young adults.

Puffy nipple surgery generally takes only an hour or two, and the recovery time is short; sometimes less than a week. There is minimal scarring and the success rate is excellent. Therefore, patients who suffer from puffy nipples, and who view it as an unesthetic and unpleasant condition, may desire glandular removal to correct the puffy nipple condition.

Revision Surgery

In some cases, an unsatisfactory result from prior gynecomastia surgery must be corrected through revision surgery. Gynecomastia surgery is a complex procedure that requires great surgical skill. When performed by an inexperienced doctor, the outcome of the surgery may be less than ideal.

Even when working with an experienced doctor, problems may arise during surgery or during the recovery process, especially if patients do not follow their surgeon’s post-operative instructions. In some cases, a dis-satisfactory result may occur as a result of a miscommunication between the patient and doctor. In such cases, revision surgery may be able to correct or improve the results of the original gynecomastia surgery.

When a patient is considering revision surgery, Dr. Tawfik will make a careful evaluation of the existing problems and create a unique operative plan to address them. He always takes the time to thoroughly explain the process to his patients so they will have realistic expectations for the outcome of their revision surgery. Before agreeing to perform the surgery, Dr. Tawfik ensures that the patient understands the level of improvement that the surgery can offer.